THS Faculty Application

Thank you for your interest in working as a part of the educational team at Temple Har Shalom. Please complete the below application, being sure to fill out all of the pertinent information. After submitting this application, we will be in touch to schedule an interview and continue the process. Please note that as a part of the application process, the administration will conduct reference checks and make the appropriate arrangements for criminal history checks. Potential staff members must submit authorization for these forms as well as complete other paperwork. Staff members are not considered “hired” until and unless all documents are completed. Temple Har Shalom is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation or gender.

"*" indicates required fields

Personal Information

Your Name*
Home Address*
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Emergency Contact*

Educational Experience

Please upload a copy of your most recent resume/CV being sure it includes your education, degree(s) conferred and all relevant educational work experience (PDF preferred)
Max. file size: 32 MB.
Highest level of education achieved*
Past Jewish Experiences (check as many as apply)*

Employment Information

With which grades would you be comfortable working (check as many as apply):*
Which subjects would you be comfortable teaching (check as many as apply):*
Hebrew language proficiency (check highest level)*


Please list 3 adult references who can attest to your ability to work with children and/or personal character. They may be personal or professional references but please be sure that at least 1 is from prior work experience. DO NOT LIST ANY RELATIVES!
Reference #1 Name*
Reference #1 Email*
Reference #2 Name*
Reference #2 Email*
Reference #3 Name*
Reference #3 Email*


Digital Signature*
I understand, by entering my name, this is a legal representation of my signature.