Teen Connection @ THS!
Jewish Life begins at b’nai mitzvah!
Maybe that’s not exactly true – but at Temple Har Shalom, once a teen crosses the threshold into Jewish Adulthood, the world opens up in exciting new directions!
Teens can choose from a number of ways to stay connected to Temple and their THS friends, including choosing from our monthly Chai School programs, working as madrichim (teaching aides) in our Sunday morning JSchool program, joining us for a day trip or a weekend away, helping out with our Purim Shpiel performance, or even joining our Shul of Rock teen band.
Our cornerstone offering for members in grades 8-12 is our Chai School program.
Why Chai?
In Hebrew, Chai means “life”! Using the name Chai School reflects Temple Har Shalom’s commitment to providing a vibrant center of Jewish life and learning for our young Jewish adults. Chai School offers more flexible programming for busy schedules; more choices to help students grow and strengthen their own unique Jewish identities; more opportunities to explore and learn to respond to issues in our community and our world; and more hands-on and memorable experiences to take with them as they enter the world as Jewish adults. Here, our post-b’nai mitzvah aged students socialize, perform community service, and continue to develop Jewish identity together – all while learning and exploring what it means to move through the wider world as Jewish adults, guided by the values and teachings of our tradition. We aim to provide an engaging program with enough flexibility in our offerings that even our busiest students will be able to connect regularly with peers and teachers over the course of the year.
One simple registration makes students eligible for everything that we have to offer.
THS Teen Travel
We are excited to be able to offer new off-campus opportunities to our teens this year! Day trips for grades 8-12 include events such as seeing a Broadway play together or visiting cultural events in our area or nearby cities.
We also offer extended-weekend travel each year for students in grades 10 and up. Every other year, this is an opportunity to attend the L’Taken Social Justice Seminar in Washington, D.C. Details about this year’s exciting trip will be available soon! Students enrolled in Chai School receive special pricing for all teen trips.
Madrichim Program
Students in grades 8-12 can apply for a paid position as one of our JSchool madrichim (teaching aides) on Sunday mornings during the school year. Students who have never served as madrichim are encouraged to apply at this link: https://www.templeharshalom.org/learning/new-madrichim-application/ and returning madrichim should use the placement form here: https://www.templeharshalom.org/learning/returning-madrichim-placement-form/
Shul of Rock Teen Band with Nicole Drasin
Sing or play your favorite instrument in our Shul of Rock Teen Band! Band rehearses approximately two Wednesday nights per month, and performs at select services and events throughout the year.
Special Events
Over the course of the year, Temple Har Shalom hosts special events or guest speakers that will be meaningful for our teens to attend. In past years, THS teens and their families attended our gallery exhibit of photography from the American Society for Yad Vashem, and got to hear from Fred Biermann, who survived the Holocaust as a child and went on to fight for Israel in the early days of its founding. Invitations to these events will go out as they are scheduled.
More Information
Chai School is open to Temple Har Shalom members in good standing. We never want finances to prevent anyone from joining our community, please contact us if you have any questions.
Should you want any further details about school, programs, or enrollment information, please reach out to our Director of Education, Heather Schweizer at heathers@templeharshalom.org, or Education Administrator, Amy Greenbaum at amyg@templeharshalom.org or give us a call at (732) 356-8777.