Sometimes a small gesture goes very far to making someone’s day, week or year! Temple Har Shalom is proud to provide both congregants and visitors alike with a way in which to honor someone or their memory by giving a tribute to the Temple on their behalf.
Tributes and donations can be made to honor a simcha (Bar/Bat Mitzvah, wedding, graduation, birthday, anniversary, etc.) or in honor of a loved one’s memory.
We utilize our ShulCloud portal for a safe and secure transaction. Friends or relatives of Temple members can use any major credit card for their tribute payment.
General donations to the Temple are greatly appreciated and can be made to our Tzedakah Fund.
Should you have any questions or need assistance making your donation payment, please contact our Executive Director, Josh Greenbaum, at
(All funds are listed in alphabetical order)
Cantor Anna S. Berman Torah Fund – For the care, dressing and repair of our Torahs and other Judaica
Cantor’s Discretionary Fund – To be used at the discretion of Cantor for the benefit of the Temple, Congregation, and community.
Cemetery Beautification Fund – For the maintenance, betterment, and beautification of Temple Har Shalom’s section of the Beth Israel Memorial Park (Woodbridge, NJ)
Education & Youth Fund – To support Youth education and activities including youth programming and other related operating or capital expenses
Knead To Feed Fund – To support the operations of Knead to Feed and the charities the Knead to Feed Committee designates
Kol Achad Capital Fund – To provide funds to pay down/off the Temple Har Shalom mortgage
Kol Nidre Appeal – Our annual High Holy Days appeal to directly support THS
Lifelong Learning Fund – To support educational programs for post-high school aged congregants and community members
Memorial Plaque Yahrzeit Fund – Dedicate a yahrzeit plaque to hang forever in our Sanctuary in honor of a loved one
Men’s Club – To be used for Men’s Club operations, and the support of the Temple and Temple community
Music Fund – A fund designed to support the Temple’s cantorial and music programs
Ner Tamid Society Donation – A one-time donation or renewed annual pledge to directly support THS
Prayerbook Dedication Fund – A fund that enables THS to purchase a range of prayerbooks for Shabbat, Holiday Services and other religious purposes
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund – To be used at the discretion of Rabbi for the benefit of the Temple, Congregation and community.
Sisterhood Fund – To be used for Sisterhood operations, and the support of the Temple and Temple community
TOA@MTS (Preschool) – A donation made to support Temple Har Shalom’s preschool
Tree of Life – Donate and dedicate a “leaf” to be placed on our Tree of Life in the Temple atrium
Tzedakah Fund – A fund provided for general donations to Temple Har Shalom