"The Torah teaches us to be openhanded to those who need our support."
It is the policy of Temple Har Shalom to make every effort to assist members experiencing legitimate financial challenges. No congregant will be turned away because of substantial and undue financial hardship.
All requests for Special Consideration are treated confidentially. The form below does not request any personally identifying information and passes along only the data to be reviewed by the Temple President. The President will never know whose form they are reviewing. (Note: Please be sure you have reached out to our bookkeeper, accounting@templeharshalom.org, to secure a confidential DV number before starting the form).
We understand that this can be a difficult process and acknowledge that each situation is unique. Your candid and open assessment of your situation and your disclosure of your financial information makes the process easier.
We respectfully request that you complete the form as completely as possible and return your form no later than two weeks after it was sent to you. It is essential that the application is completed in its entirety and provides as much detail as possible. All Special Consideration applications will be handled in the order they are received. Please understand that all, some, or none of the Special Consideration requested may be authorized.
The bookkeeper will reach out to you once a decision is made. All financial arrangements for the upcoming fiscal year are to be paid as agreed upon in your Special Consideration letter.
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