Our Seniors hold a very special place in our hearts. It is our honor not only to teach and learn with them in this significant year in their lives, but to help prepare them to enter the greater world as young Jewish adults.
Highlights of our program for 2023-2024 include (but are not limited to):
Hot Topic Tuesdays with Rabbi Musnitsky
Learn how to see current-day conflicts, events, politics, and history-in-the-making through a Jewish lens, guided by Rabbi Musnitsky. Includes dinner; 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM one Tuesday per month. (10/17, 11/14, 12/12, 1/9, 2/13, 3/12 and 4/9)
Chai Holidays
Who can get enough of our Jewish Holidays? Join us for a project-based exploration of all sorts of Jewish holidays, from the most popular to the most obscure. We’ll cook, we’ll create beautiful and meaningful Judaica, we’ll put together part of this year’s THS Purim celebration(!) – and we’ll have fun doing it! You’ll also be introduced to surprising stories about some of our holidays that we do not share with the little ones. This course meets from 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM one Thursday evening per month.
(9/28, 10/26, 11/30, 12/21, 1/25, 2/29, 3/21 and 4/25)
Confirmation is open to any 12th Grade student who has not been confirmed. The highlig
ht of this experience is the socializing, learning and travel. Rabbi Musnitsky looks forward to teaching and exploring together the challenge of addressing modern day issues and Jewish Adulthood, leading to a meaningful Confirmation experience capped by a special service honoring our Confirmands. Includes dinner; 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM one Wednesday night per month. (10/11, 11/1, 12/6, 1/3, 2/7, 3/6, 4/10, 5/8 (Rehearsal) and 5/17 (Service))
THS Teen Travel
We are excited to be able to offer new off-campus opportunities to our teens this year! Day trips for grades 8-12 include events such as seeing a Broadway play together or visiting cultural events in our area or nearby cities.
We also offer extended-weekend travel each year for students in grades 10 and up. Every other year, this is an opportunity to attend the L’Taken Social Justice Seminar in Washington, D.C. Details about this year’s exciting trip will be available soon! Students enrolled in Chai School receive special pricing for all teen trips.
L’Taken Social Justice Seminar (Grades 10-12): This trip to Washington, D.C. is one of the most memorable and most highly anticipated events! Students are given an incredible opportunity to impact our country as they share their views on social justice topics with decision-makers on Capitol Hill. The program, run by the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, is designed to help teens gain a unique understanding of the political process and see how Jewish values are relevant in today’s world. Participants learn about issues that are relevant to us personally and collectively, as Jews and as Americans. The trip culminates with meetings in congressional and senatorial offices on Capitol Hill where we will personally lobby for the issues of our choice.
Madrichim Program
Students in grades 9-12 can apply for a paid position as one of our JSchool madrichim (teaching aides) on Sunday mornings during the school year. Students who have never served as madrichim are encouraged to apply at this link: https://www.templeharshalom.org/learning/new-madrichim-application/ and returning madrichim should use the placement form here: https://www.templeharshalom.org/learning/returning-madrichim-placement-form/
Shul of Rock Teen Band with Nicole Drasin
Sing or play your favorite instrument in our Shul of Rock Teen Band! Band rehearses approximately two Wednesday nights a month, and performs at select services and events throughout the year.
Special Events
Over the course of the year, Temple Har Shalom hosts special events or guest speakers that will be meaningful for our teens to attend. Last year, THS teens and their families attended our gallery exhibit of photography from the American Society for Yad Vashem, and got to hear from Fred Biermann, who survived the Holocaust as a child and went on to fight for Israel in the early days of its founding. Invitations to these events will go out as they are scheduled.
More Information
Chai School is open to Temple Har Shalom members in good standing. We never want finances to prevent anyone from joining our community, please contact us if you have any questions.
Should you want any further details about school, programs, or enrollment information, please reach out to our Director of Education, Heather Schweizer, at heathers@templeharshalom.org, or Education Administrator, Amy Greenbaum, at amyg@templeharshalom.org or give us a call at (732) 356-8777.
What are our students saying?
“Looking back, I have realized that…we have discussed a new mind-breaking topic. Every. Single. Week. Rabbi Musnitsky has taught me that our ability to reflect on these events and struggles in our world is necessary. It’s important to help make us aware, help us find solutions, and help us see how Judaism fits into each topic. In this case, [it] has taught all of us about having an open mind and being aware of our identities and values as the future generation of Jewish adults.”
– J.S.